Friday, December 14, 2007


Each person’s mental health is so crucial to success in business. At Advantage Conferences, excellent mental health is indeed part of the improved Mindset that we refer to so often. Marginal or Poor mental health always results in non-success. The degree of mental health a person has and the level of success they can attain go hand in hand. Excellent mental health opens the door to success and allows the Champion to excel in the game in the long run.

“To the naysayers, the quitters, the ignorant, the fault-finders, the scoffers, the mockers, the non-believers, et al, I simply say, ‘I will Out-Faith you, Out-Believe you, Out-Work you, and Out-last you and the certain Out-come will be beyond Out-standing – nothing short of Out-rageous Victory – Tim Darnell

What factors contribute to excellent mental health?

One major factor is The Action Of Creating. – Creation is God’s ultimate work. He said, “Let there be Light” and there was. We come closer to being Godly by joining in His creative work. We are most alive when we are creating. We are most noticed when we are creating. We are most appreciated when we are creating. We are most followed when we are creating. We are most profitable when we are creating and implementing.

Also Implementing Sustained Unwavering Belief – THE FAITH FACTOR – Job 13:15 “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.” Unconquerable Faith. Unquenchable Spirit. Undeniable Presence. These lead to Unprecedented Accomplishment.

Be Encouraged

Mike Melvin

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